There was a time in my life where I’d buy a bottle of Monte Alban (the mezcal with the fake worm in the bottle), put my thumb over the spout, invert the bottle so the worm sunk down to the spout, quickly move it to my mouth, drink the worm, and then think I was the coolest dude around.
Wow, have times changed…
I first tried Don Julio 1942 neat at Empellon. As I sipped, I was awestruck at both the smoothness and the flavors. I wanted more. It was at that moment my passion for UPT (ultra premium tequila) was born. This stuff is delicious in every way. You don’t need limes. You don’t even need ice. Just sip it neat. And it is expensive…really expensive. But when you start to collect it, the bottles hang around for a while and it seems more reasonable. And there are clearly more expensive habits. Here are my current favorites (in order):
Ultra Premium Tequilas
- Anything from Fuenteseca (if you can find it), but especially the 21 year old
- Gran Patron Piedra Extra Anejo
- Don Julio 1942
- Casa Dragones
- Deleon Extra Anejo
- Don Julio Real
Some of my other favorites:
- Herradura Reposado
- Cuervo Reserva De La Familia
- Gran Patron Platinum
- Qui Platinum Extra Anejo
- Milagro Select Barrel Reserve
- El Tesoro Reposado
- Casamigos Anejo
- Del Maguey Pechuga
- Del Maguey Tobala
- Ilegal Mezcal
- El Jolgorio Madrecuixe
- Del Maguey Minero